
Mouldboard Plough Lemken C40B 3441141 Left Agriforge

Mouldboard Plough Lemken C40B 3441141 Left Agriforge
Mouldboard Plough Lemken C40B 3441141 Left Agriforge

Mouldboard Plough Lemken C40B 3441141 Left Agriforge

Type Mouldboards
Base Protection Plough Lemken 3401480 (1 Hole) Right Agriforge..
Landside Plough Lemken DMV1 3411525 (2Holes) Right-Left Agriforge..
Landside Point Plough Lemken AK12W 3401903 (1Hole) Right-Left Agriforge..
Landside Point Plough Lemken AS2 3492890 with Blade Right Agriforge..
Base Protection Plough Lemken 3401480 (1 Hole) Right Agriforge..
Base Protection Plough Maschio Right-Left A52100441 AgriforgeSpiridonakis spare parts are non-genuine parts. All references to original brand descript..